Thursday, September 15, 2011

It might look vintage

Im excited! I can't wait. I'm already imagining lots of food and beautiful places. It would be my daughter's first trip outside the country too. I'm excited for her. She likes going to different places already at a very young age. I made her something to wear on her hair. It's something that looks vintage (to me), but I'm not sure if it really does.

I made one for me too haha.  I will make tutorials for this soon. Now I am just too sleepy to make one.  

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Weekend Ruffled Skirt

I found this style on Sprouts  channel, the one with a talking chicken named Chicka. Chicka, Chicka chickadora! Anyway I got an old dress from swapmeet for 50 cents and I thought it's perfect for a ruffled skirt. It's hard to sleep Friday night and I ended up making this cute little skirt for my baby girl.

It is so easy to make. I measure it the same way I measured my previews post whisech is the tiered skirt but just a little more complicated.

Step1: Cut lining which is 5 inches bigger than the elastic divided by 2. The elastic should be measured exactly as the waist.

this image shows the lining with the strips already sewn on it. this is the inside part of the skirt.

Step2:  Cut strips of fabric approx. 1" wide and do running stitch along the middle and gather. Make enough to cover your lining front and back.

Step3: Sew the strips of fabric that you gathered horizontally on the lining and continue until all space is covered.

Step4: Join the 2 pieces of material together by sewing along the sides with right sides facing each other.

Step5: Insert the elastic along the casing on the waist and sew the ends to secure.

And you're done with your ruffled skirt! I can't wait to make more.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Make a tiered baby skirt

I love looking at baby skirts especially those with ruffles and tiers. I decided to make one for my daughter which turned out "not bad" for first timer. Here it is!

It is so easy to make as long as you know what size of fabric you need to cut.
You need to cut 3 different sizes of rectangle fabric - lining, top and bottom tiers.
Here is the formula:  Lining = waist + 5 inches
                               Top tier = waist x 2
                               Bottom tier =  lining x 2

My skirt is for baby with a size 20 waist.

Step1: Measure the waist. Cut an elastic of the same size as the waist. Cut lining.  My waist is 20. So my lining is 25.

Step2: Cut tiers top and bottom.  My top and bottom tier is 40 and 50 respectively.

top and bottom tiers

Step 3: Sew the edge of the tiers and gather until it is the same length as the lining. Then sew the tiers to the lining. To create more ruffles cut a strip of fabric about 1 inch wide and gather. Sew the strips along the edges of each tiers.

And you're done! :D

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